Limited company contractors
We hope you find this information useful.
Should you be contracted with Crone Corkill via a Limited Company, you will be given a Limited Company Supplier Agreement. A Schedule of Services will accompany the Agreement, detailing the contract.

Limited company contractors and tax compliance
The Government has stringent anti-tax avoidance legislation for those working through their own Limited Company. You need to provide proof of the following:
- Your Limited Company is registered in the UK
- You are the Director and majority shareholder of the company
- The company’s bank account is in the UK. Please note the Isle of Man is not under UK jurisdiction
- You are sufficiently insured for the duration of the assignment
Frequently Asked Questions about Limited company contractors
Setting up a limited company
Crone Corkill is not qualified to provide financial or practical advice if you’re looking to set up a Limited Company, so we recommend you seek independent advice. We require a minimum of two weeks’ notice in writing if you wish to amend your Limited Company details. When communicating this, please email your consultant and copy in the Payroll Team at [email protected].
As a Limited Company Contractor, we will work with you under a self-bill agreement. This means that you will not have to raise invoices.
Crone Corkill will issue a Limited Company Remittance advice, and this will act as the invoice. Payment will be made upon receipt of authorised timesheets and paid weekly in arrears. Please note that timesheets must be submitted by 5pm Monday following the week worked to ensure payment can be released on the Friday.
Tax Deductions
Please also note that all payments to Limited Company Suppliers who are Outside IR35 will be inclusive of tax and NI contributions. It is the Limited Company Supplier’s responsibility to ensure these are paid to HMRC on time. Crone Corkill does not offer tax advice, nor take responsibility for any Limited Company Supplier’s failure to pay their tax commitments on time.
Required documents
Crone Corkill must be in receipt of the following documents prior to the start date of an assignment:
- Original passport and/or the relevant residence permit/visa as proof of your right to work in the UK
- References to cover the last three to five years
- Certificate of Incorporation, issued by the Registrar of Companies (the date of incorporation must be prior to the date of assignment commencement)
- Company Bank Account details (this must match the information on your Certificate of Incorporation)
- A signed Limited Company Supplier Agreement
- VAT Registration Certificate
- Certificate of Professional Indemnity Insurance for £1,000,000